NEW Weekly project led stained glass classes – 5 week blocks (15 hrs)


These NEW weekly project led stained glass classes are available in 5 week blocks. The price is for the 5 sessions. Each session is 3hrs duration and will be held on a Wednesday morning 10am-1pm at the Firewolf Glass Studio in Somerset. Ideal for those who have attended Kate’s beginner workshops or those who already have some experience of stained glass work and cutting glass and want to use their skills to work on a larger project of their own. These classes allow students to work on their own project at their own pace whilst having Kate on hand to give advice and guidance where needed.  Classes are small with only 4 people working in the studio at any one time.

Maybe you have a half finished project at home or you want to make a window for a specific place in your house but don’t have the confidence or tools to make it yourself? Then this is for you. Use of  equipment and tools is included but bring your own tools if you have them. Some materials can be purchased from Kate but you will need to choose and bring your own glass. (Kate can help and advise you with this). You will also need to provide your own board in order to transport your work eack week to and from the studio. Teas and coffee is included.

Full payment is required to book your place on a 5 week block see dates below. Depending on the size and complexity of your project you may need to book on more than one 5 week block. This can be assessed once the project is underway or discussed beforehand.

Please contact Kate for further information and to discuss whether this is suitable for you.